Monthly Employment by Industry (metro) last updated: 01/29/25
Monthly Unemployment last updated: 01/30/25
12/20/24: Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates updated to include 2023 data.
12/16/23: ACS Data Profile Tables updated to include 2023 data.
12/16/23: ACS 5 Year Detail Tables updated to include 2023 data.
12/16/24: Quarterly Employment updated to include Q2/2024 data.
12/14/24: Gross Regional Product updated to include 2023 data.
11/21/24: Income & Benefits was updated to include 2023 data.
10/17/24: Veterans Expenditures updated to include 2023 data.
10/14/24: Social Security (OSADI) updated to include 2023 data.
10/12/24: Supplemental Security Income update to include 2023 data.
10/09/24: Crime was updated to include 2023 data.
10/09/24: Veterans Population updated to include 2023 data.
09/24/24: Enrollment and Completions (IPEDS) updated to include 2023 data.
09/19/24: ACS 1 Year Detail Tables updated to include 2023 data.
09/12/24: Quarterly Employment updated to include Q1/2024 data.
07/05/24: Population and Demographics updated to include 2023 data.
07/04/24: County Business Patterns updated to include 2022 data.
07/03/24: Migration updated to include 2022 data.
06/09/24: Housing Permits updated to include 2023 data.
06/09/24: Annual Employment updated to include 2023 data.
06/09/24: Quarterly Employment updated to include Q4/2023 data.
06/08/24: Employment by Occupation updated to include 2023 data.
06/05/24: Population Components updated to include 2023 data.
05/21/24: Non-Employer Statistics updated to include 2021 data.
05/02/24: Annual Unemployment updated to include 2023 data.
04/26/24: University of Wisconson - County Health Rankings updated to include 2024 data.
12/18/23: Social Security (OSADI) updated to include 2022 data.
12/18/23: Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates updated to include 2022 data.
12/13/23: ACS Data Profile Tables updated to include 2022 data.
12/13/23: ACS 5 Year Detail Tables updated to include 2022 data.
12/13/23: Gross Regional Product updated to include 2022 data.
11/28/23: Personal Income updated to include 2022 data.
11/10/23: Non-Employer Statistics updated to include 2020 data.
10/13/23: Enrollment and Completions (IPEDS) updated to include 2022 data.
10/13/23: Quarterly Employment updated to include Q1/2023 data.
10/11/23: Supplemental Security Income update to include 2022 data.
9/28/23: ACS 1 Year Detail Tables updated to include 2022 data.
6/14/23: Housing Permits updated to include 2022 data.
6/12/23: Annual Employment updated to include 2022 data.
6/12/23: Quarterly Employment updated to include Q4/2022 data.
6/12/23: Employment by Occupation updated to include 2022 data.
6/1/23: Veterans Expenditures updated to include 2022 data.
6/1/23: Population Components updated to include 2022 data.
5/15/23: County Business Patterns updated to include 2021 data.
5/15/23: Migration updated to include 2021 data.
3/11/23: Quarterly Employment updated to include Q3/2022 data.
1/29/23: Quarterly Employment updated to include Q2/2022 data.
1/2/23: Gross Regional Production updated to include 2021 data.
1/2/23: Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates updated to include 2021 data.
1/2/23: Personal Income updated to include 2021 data.
1/2/23: Supplemental Security Income update to include 2021 data.
11/28/22: Social Security (OSADI) updated to include 2021 data.
11/20/22: ShiftShare updated to include 2021 data.
10/20/22: ACS 1 Year data updated to include 2021 data.
10/20/22: Occupation and Industry Clusters updated to Q3 2022 dataset.
10/5/22: Quarterly Employment updated to include Q1/2022 data.
9/27/22: Veterans Population updated to include 2022 data.
9/27/22: Veterans Expenditures updated to include 2021 data.
9/21/22: Enrollment and Completions (IPEDS) updated to include 2021 data.
8/11/22: Non-Employer Statistics updated to include 2019 data.
8/7/22: Population and Demographics updated to include 2021 data.
8/4/22: In-and-Out Migration updated to include 2020 data.
6/15/22: Quarterly Employment updated to include Q4/2021 data.
6/13/22: Annual Employment (CEW) updated to include 2021 data.
6/3/22: Housing Permits updated to include 2021 data.
5/18/22: County Business Patterns (CBP) updated to include 2020 data.
4/9/22: Veterans Expenditures updated to include 2020 data.
4/9/22: Social Security (OSADI, SSI) updated to include 2020 data.
4/9/22: Personal Income updated to include 2020 data.
4/8/22: Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates updated to include 2020 data.
4/7/22: Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics updated to include 2021 data.
4/5/22: Gross Domestic Product updated to include 2020 data.
3/21/22: Annual Unemployment updated to include 2021 data.
3/14/22: Population and Demographics were updated to include 2020 data.
2/9/22: Quarterly Employment and Annual Employment were updated to include Q2/2021 data.
8/9/21: Poverty Rate was updated to include 2019 data.
8/7/21: County Business Patterns data was updated to include 2019 data.
8/5/21: In-and-Out Migration data was updated to include 2019 data.
8/4/21: College Graduates and Enrollment was updated to include 2020 data.
8/4/21: Quarterly Employment and Annual Employment updated to include Q4/2020 data.
7/16/21: Annual Employment (CEW) updated to include 2020 data.
5/27/21: Employment by Occupation (OES) updated to include 2020 data.
5/4/21: Veterans was updated to include 2048 projected data.
5/4/21: Veterans Expenditures were updated to include 2019 data.
5/3/21: Social Security (OSADI) was updated to include 2019 data.
5/3/21: Firm Count (CBP) was updated to include 2019 data.
4/30/21: Income & Benefits was updated to include 2019 data.
4/30/21: Per Capita Income was updated to include 2019 data.
4/30/21: Median Household Income was updated to include 2019 data.
4/28/21: Housing Permits updated to include 2019 data.
4/28/21: Crime was updated to include 2019 data.
4/28/21: Social Security (SSI) was updated to include 2019 data.
3/11/21: Quarterly Employment and Annual Employment updated to include Q3/2020 data.
3/7/21: Annual Unemployment was updated to include 2020 data.
12/10/20: Quarterly Employment and Annual Employment updated to include Q2/2020 data.
10/19/20: College Graduates and Enrollment was updated to include 2019 data.
9/29/20: Quarterly Employment and Annual Employment was updated to include Q1/2020 data.
6/30/20: Firm Count by Industry, Size and Firm Count Comparison was updated to include 2018 data.
6/30/20: Population by Age, Race, Gender was updated to include 2019 data.
5/26/20: Non-Employer Statistics data updated to include 2018 data.
4/28/20: Occupational Employment was update to include 2019 data.
4/28/20: Population & Growth Components was updated to include 2019 data.
4/9/20: Quarterly Employment was updated to include Q3/2019 data.
4/6/20: Veterans Population data was updated.
4/6/20: Veterans-Related Expenditures data was updated through 2018.
3/28/20: OASDI data was updated through 2018.
3/28/20: SSI data was updated through 2018.
3/25/20: Gross Regional Product now includes data for counties and custom regions.
3/11/20: A Migration Snapshot was added to the Demographics Menu.
2/7/20: Median Household Income and Poverty Rate was updated to 2018.
1/17/20: In-and-Out Migration data was updated to include 2017 and 2018 data, which was recently at the same time by the IRS.
1/8/20: Income & Benefits and Per Capita Income data (REIS from the BEA) was updated to 2018.
12/30/19: Gross Regional Product was updated to include 2018 data.
12/18/19: Quarterly Employment was updated to include Q2/2019 data.
12/2/19: County Business Patterns data (Firm Count by Industry) was updated to include 2017 data.
10/22/19: Post-secondary Degree Completions and Enrollment was update to include 2018 data.
9/9/19: Quarterly Employment was updated to include Q1/2019 data.
9/9/19: Industry and Occupation cluster data and Fastest Growing Industries/Occupations was updated to include year-end actual 2018 data and revised forecast data from EMSI, with cluster analysis by Avalanche Consulting.
6/28/19: Non-employer establishments by industry was updated to include 2017 data.
6/20/19: Population by Age data was updated to include 2018. All 2010-2018 years of data have been updated to reflect the Vintage 2018 estimates.
6/6/19: Quarterly Employment and Annual Employment was updated to include Q4/2018 data.
5/10/19: Occupational employment and salary estimates were updated to 2018.
4/24/19: Population estimates for counties and states were updated to 2018.
3/7/19: Quarterly Employment was updated to include Q3-2018 data.
2/7/19: Per Capita Income and Income & Benefits was updated to include 2017 data.
2/6/19: Poverty Rate and Median Household Income was updated to include 2017 data.
2/6/19: Crime data was updated to include 2017 data.
2/6/19: College Graduates and Enrollment was updated to include 2017 data.
2/6/19: Housing Permits was updated to include 2017 data.
9/19/18: Gross Regional Product was updated to include 2017 data.
6/25/18: Population by Age, Race, and Gender was updated to include 2017 data.
6/25/18: Shift-Share Analysis was updated to include 2017 Annual Employment data.
6/25/18: Non-Employer Statistics were updated to include 2016 data.
6/21/18: Quarterly Employment was updated to include Q4 of 2017.
6/19/18: Annual Employment (Covered Employment & Wages) was updated to include 2017 data.
5/23/18: Occupational Employment was updated to include 2017 data.
4/19/18: County Business Patterns was updated to include 2016 data.
3/22/18: Population, Births, Deaths and Migration was updated to include 2017 data.
2/15/18: Housing Permits was updated to include 2016 data.
2/1/18: Poverty and Median Household Income was updated to include 2016 data.
Space Coast Headlight is sponsored by the Economic Development Commission of Florida’s Space Coast.
The portal is designed to provide up-to-date economic and workforce information on Brevard County, Florida and the Palm Bay-Melbourne-Titusville, Florida MSA.
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